Blurt! : The Uproarious Word Race Game

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Medienart Spiel
Systematik SP - Spiele
Schlagworte Unterhaltung, Brettspiele, Hinweise, Vokabelspiel, Wortschatzarbeit, Schnelligkeit, Semantik, zwei Spielebenen, 3-12 Spieler, 200 Karten, 1200 Hinweise
Verlag Educational Insights
Ort o.A.
Altersbeschränkung keine
Sprache deutsch
Spieleranzahl 3-12
Annotation Großartig für den Aufbau von Vokabular.
Verstärkt die Semantik.
Fordert das schnelle Erinnern von Wörtern heraus.
Verfügt über zwei Spielebenen.

Think fast! What word means "a partially dried grape"? Be the first to say "raisin," and you're on your way to winning this riotous game of rapid word recall.Players take turns reading clues aloud, competing to blurt out the correct answer first and move ahead on the board. The first person or team to circle the board wins. Sounds simple, right? But as the race for the right word heats up, and the blurting gets boisterous, it's easy to get tongue-tied!Blurt is a great vocabulary builder for kids, a hilarious addition to adult parties, and a must for family game night.Includes junior version for ages 7 to 9.
Quelle: Amazon


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